10th International Indigenous Research Conference 2022 ONLINE — Thank you for visiting with us

IIRC2020 (Online) is now over. We wish to thank all who attended to make this a successful event. You can watch conference keynotes on vimeo here.

Listen to Pou Matarua Tahu Kukutai talking about highlights from IIRC2022

Flourishing Indigenous Futures

Celebrating 20 years of being Aotearoa New Zealand’s only Indigenous Centre of Research Excellence, Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) are excited to invite you to join us online from 15 – 18 November 2022 for our 2nd virtual and 10th International Indigenous Research Conference (IIRC).

IIRC is a time for reflection, sharing, planning, innovating, getting inspired. Everything about our conference is Indigenous. Hot topics include: climate change, living sustainably, Indigenous rights and wellbeing, Indigenous data sovereignty, Indigenous distinctiveness, and building firm foundations for flourishing Indigenous futures.

Given this is our second online conference, we appreciate that multiple modes of engagement are important to enable participants to ‘plug in’ and experience conference. Engagement modes include – Master classes, premiere keynotes, discussion fora, social connects, live and pre-recorded papers and posters.

Join us to celebrate and acknowledge a uniquely Indigenous-led online international conference designed to shape a promising future for locally inspired and globally relevant Indigenous-led research.

Themes and dimensions

In this future oriented conference, we will consider and discuss what it will take to ensure that generations to come enjoy wellness and meaningful lives. All speakers and activities with contribute to our knowledge and understanding of this aspirational goal. Dimensions of the conference theme for which we wish to receive abstract submissions and stimulate discussion are described below.


Pātai – Questions

  • Te Ao Taketake – How can Indigenous languages, customs, traditions, values and knowledge continue to inform our futures?
  • Whānau – How can Indigenous kinship wellbeing be realised in everyday life?
  • Mauri – How can mātauranga (Indigenous knowledges, wisdom, understanding) inform and drive sustainable and just societal practices?
  • Puāwai – How can Indigenous-led research be used transformatively to accelerate the achievement of flourishing Indigenous futures?


Pae & Rautaki – Knowledge and strategy dimensions

  • Pae Ahurei | Living Uniquely – Knowledge that celebrates and cherishes distinctively Indigenous futures
  • Pae Ora | Living Well – Knowledge for healthy and meaningful Indigenous lives
  • Pae Tawhiti | Living Lightly – Knowledge that pursues responsible social, economic and environmental relationships
  • Pae Auaha | Living Smartly – Knowledge to create wise and ethical Indigenous technological transformations
  • Rautaki Kounga | Professional Excellence – Strategies to build Indigenous researcher capability and capacity
  • Rautaki Whakaaweawe | Impact and transformation – Strategies to enhance transformative change for Indigenous peoples and communities