Code of Conduct
The purpose of this Code is to develop and maintain a standard of behaviour that supports and enables the International Indigenous Research Conference’s commitment to being a safe, inclusive, equitable and respectful community.
Our Code of Conduct
This Code sets out IIRC’s expectations of the standards of behaviour of all participants in the conference.
As participants in the IIRC community, we all agree to behave in ways that make the conference community safe, inclusive and equitable for all. For us, this means that we adhere to the below:
Pou Kura | Our Values
- Rangatiratanga – Leading with integrity and commitment to our people. This conference is an Indigenous-led conference. We aim to empower Indigenous research, Indigenous researchers and Indigenous communities.
- Kaitiakitanga – Caring responsibly for each other, the planet and future generations. We are all responsible for the protection and respect of the digital conference environment and the traditions, knowledge, languages and taonga (treasures) of the Indigenous cultures present at the conference.
- Manaakitanga – Respecting all life forces. We expect everyone to treat all speakers, fellow delegates and participants with courtesy, civility and respect. Debate is welcomed, but personal attacks, bullying, and aggressiveness are not.
- Whanaungatanga – Building genuine and meaningful relationships. We are committed to fostering a welcoming and supportive space for Indigenous participants. Help us make this happen by connecting with Indigenous colleagues from across the world, engaging with positivity and kindness.
Registration Now Open
Join us for a 4-day, Indigenous-led conference.