Presenter Information
Author notifications are due to go out Monday 3rd October. If you haven’t received a notification on the status of your submission after that date, get in touch with us at iirc@auckland.ac.nz.
Next Steps For Presenters
If your abstract has been accepted into the IIRC 2022 programme, please check your presentation type and read the information below carefully.
All pre-recorded videos and/or posters are due 14 October. All presenting authors must also have a paid registration by that date.
Oral Presentations
The concurrent sessions for Oral presentations will be webinar-style run through AirCast Studio.
Please note, that the conference platform works best when opened in Google Chrome.
Oral Presentation – Live
- 10-12 minutes for presentation
- 3 – 5 minutes for Q&A
- The concurrent sessions for Oral presentations will be interactive meeting style run through Zoom Meetings. Your session will begin with the chairperson introducing the session and each presentation. You will then be able to give your presentation including share-screen. This will be followed by a live Q&A session between the chairperson and the presenting author(s). For peace-of-mind, presenting authors are asked to join their session no later than 15 minutes prior to the session start time.
Oral Presentation – Pre-Recorded (Q&A included)
- 10-12 minute pre-recorded video, submitted here: https://uoaevents.eventsair.com/iirc-2022/submissions
- Videos to be MP4 and 720p – please download the guide for further instructions
- 3 – 5 minutes for Q&A
- The concurrent sessions for Oral presentations will be interactive meeting style run through Zoom Meetings. Your session will begin with the chairperson introducing the session and each presentation. Each pre-recorded video will then play and be followed by a live Q&A session between the chairperson and the presenting author(s). For peace-of-mind, presenting authors are asked to join their session no later than 15 minutes prior to the session start time.
Oral Presentation – Pre-Recorded (Video only, no Q&A)
- 12 – 15 minute pre-recorded video, submitted here: https://uoaevents.eventsair.com/iirc-2022/submissions
- Videos to be MP4 and 720p – please download the guide for further instructions
- No Q&A
- Presenting authors who have submitted in this format are not required to attend the session but may choose to
- The concurrent sessions for Oral presentations will be interactive meeting style run through Zoom Meetings. Your session will begin with the chairperson introducing the session and each presentation. Each pre-recorded video will then play.
Poster Presentations
Important information:
- Posters to be submitted as PDFs here: https://uoaevents.eventsair.com/iirc-2022/submissions
- A4, portrait with maximum 6 pages
- Posters will be available throughout the full conference in the Poster Gallery. There is no dedicated poster session.
Registration Now Open
Join us for a 4-day, Indigenous-led conference.